Market Risk Measurement
An in-depth guide on various market risk measurement metrics including VaR, CVaR, Beta, and Drawdowns.
Value-at-Risk (VaR) and Conditional VaR (CVaR) are metrics used to estimate potential losses in financial portfolios.
VaR can be calculated using parametric (assuming normal distribution) or historical methods, while CVaR uses historical data to assess the average loss beyond the VaR threshold.
Beta measures a portfolio's sensitivity to market movements and is calculated using covariance and variance over a rolling period.
Drawdown metrics such as LDD, LTuW, and MDD provide insights into the depth and duration of losses, which can inform risk management and model evaluation strategies.
Tail Risk
Value-at-Risk (VaR)
QUANTIT VaR (1-day 95%)
Interpretation: There is an expectation that a daily loss of this magnitude could occur 2-3 times per year.
This approach combines 50% Parametric VaR and 50% Historical VaR to correct for the Fat Tail issue inherent in Normal Distribution, using a mixture of Norm idea.
QUANTIT CVaR (1-day 95%)
Interpretation: There is an expectation that a daily loss greater than this value could occur 2-3 times per year.
The Conditional VaR is calculated using 100% Historical CVaR.
Parametric VaR
Assumption: Normal distribution.
Return Length: Rolling 252 Trading Days.
Calculation: Parametric VaR = 1-day stddev * Z-score.
Historical VaR
Assumption: Estimation from historical data. Non-Parametric.
Return Length: Rolling 252 Trading Days.
Calculation: Historical VaR = 95% Percentile of PnL Series.
Conditional VaR (CVaR)
Assumption: Estimation from Historical Data.
Return Length: Rolling 252 Trading Days.
Calculation: CVaR = Average of values that are above 95% of left tail of PnL series.
Beta (ACWI): Calculated as the Covariance between 6 Month Returns of Account and Returns of ACWI divided by the Variance of 6 Month Return of ACWI.
Beta (K200): Similar to Beta (ACWI) but with Returns of K200.
These values are rolled over a 120 Trading Day period.
Local Drawdown (LDD)
Calculation: LDD = min(0, current day's Drawdown).
Interpretation: By looking at the average data and distribution of Time under Water (TuW), it is possible to estimate how long one might have to wait to return to profitability after a drawdown occurs.
Local Time under Water (LTuW)
Calculation: LTuW = min(0, count of days since the most recent drawdown began).
Maximum Drawdown (MDD)
Calculation: MDD = min(drawdown path).
Interpretation: If the MDD increases over time, it may indicate a regime change or that the model is fitting to noise, suggesting a need to consider upgrading the model or halting operations.
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