ID Table

Guide for Retrieving Stock and Company IDs


This guide provides instructions on how to retrieve stock and company IDs from different data vendors or universes.

Supported Universes

Currently, the following universes are supported:

  • quantit

  • fnguide

  • spglobal-usa

  • spglobal-vnm

  • spglobal-idn


Importing Necessary Libraries

First, ensure that you have imported the necessary libraries:

from import IdTable

Retrieving Stock and Company IDs from Fnguide

For fnguide, you can obtain stock and company IDs as follows:

Initializing the IdTable

fnguide_id = IdTable("fnguide")

Getting the Latest Stock IDs

To get the latest stock IDs:


Example output:

Getting the Latest Company IDs

To get the latest company IDs:


Example output:

Retrieving Stock and Company IDs from S&P Global USA and Vietnam

We do not provide US ISINs due to licensing issues.

For spglobal-usa and spglobal-vnm, use the following approach:

Initializing the IdTable

usa_id = IdTable("spglobal-usa")
vnm_id = IdTable("spglobal-vnm")
idn_id = IdTable("spglobal-idn")

Getting the Latest Stock IDs

To get the latest stock IDs:


Example output:

Getting the Supported Universes List

To get the list of supported universes:


Example output:

['fnguide', 'spglobal-usa', 'spglobal-vnm', 'spglobal-idn', 'quantit']

Last updated