Keyterm Sentiment Analytics Metrics

This dataset provides metrics on news articles, segmented by sentiment (positive, negative, neutral) and category, including rates and counts of materials.

Example code

from import ContentFactory
cf = ContentFactory("kr_stock", 20240101, 20240201)

# sentiment_us category
df = cf.get_df("all-N_of_mat_key[all_cat]", cagegory='sentiment')

# sentiment_exp_us category
df = cf.get_df("all-N_of_mat_key[all_cat]", cagegory='sentiment_exp')


Valid From
Delivery Schedule
Time Zone
Data Frequency


UTC 00 21 * * *



Item List

  • Use sentiment category for Korea

  • Use sentiment_exp category for Korea Expanded

All Sentiment

  • all-N_of_mat_key[all_cat]: Number of total key terms for overall sentiment on the given day in Korea.

  • all-N_of_mat_key[in_cat]: Number of matching key terms for overall sentiment in the specified category on the given day in Korea.

  • all-N_of_news: Number of total news articles for overall sentiment on the given day in Korea.

  • all-mat_key_rate[in_cat%all_cat]: Category key term rate for overall sentiment on the given day in Korea.

Negative Sentiment

  • neg-N_of_mat_key[all_cat]: Number of total key terms for negative sentiment on the given day in Korea.

  • neg-N_of_mat_key[in_cat]: Number of matching key terms for negative sentiment in the specified category on the given day in Korea.

  • neg-N_of_news: Number of total news articles for negative sentiment on the given day in Korea.

  • neg-mat_key_rate[in_cat%all_cat]: Category key term rate for negative sentiment on the given day in Korea.

Neutral Sentiment

  • neu-N_of_mat_key[all_cat]: Number of total key terms for neutral sentiment on the given day in Korea.

  • neu-N_of_mat_key[in_cat]: Number of matching key terms for neutral sentiment in the specified category on the given day in Korea.

  • neu-N_of_news: Number of total news articles for neutral sentiment on the given day in Korea.

  • neu-mat_key_rate[in_cat%all_cat]: Category key term rate for neutral sentiment on the given day in Korea.

Positive Sentiment

  • pos-N_of_mat_key[all_cat]: Number of total key terms for positive sentiment on the given day in Korea.

  • pos-N_of_mat_key[in_cat]: Number of matching key terms for positive sentiment in the specified category on the given day in Korea.

  • pos-N_of_news: Number of total news articles for positive sentiment on the given day in Korea.

  • pos-mat_key_rate[in_cat%all_cat]: Category key term rate for positive sentiment on the given day in Korea.

Last updated

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