PIT Financial Statement


This dataset provides PIT (point-in-time) financial statements for US stocks, including various financial metrics and indicators. The data’s index indicates the date the data was included in the database.

Users can choose from 3 types of data frames by adjusting the ‘mode’ parameter:

1. Default behavior: In this case, the values in the data frame become the most recent values at the point in time, not including the fiscal date.

2. Original: In this case, the values in the data frame become dictionaries possibly including multiple keys and values. If you are considering pre-announced data revisions, this option can be a solution.

3. Unpivot: In this case, there will be 4 columns (‘id’, ‘pit’, ‘fiscal’, ‘value’). Each row contains information about the announced data’s announcing date, fiscal quarter, and value.

Since the collection of PIT data started recently, data before 2023-08-09, is the same as the research data, not the PIT data.

Example code

from finter.data import ContentFactory
cf = ContentFactory("us_stock", 20200101, 20200201)
df_modeling = cf.get_df("pit-atq")
df_original = cf.get_df("pit-atq", mode = "original")
df_unpivot = cf.get_df("pit-atq", mode = "unpivot")


Valid FromDelivery ScheduleTime ZoneData Frequency



Item List

Balance Sheet Items

  • Assets

    • pit-atq: Total Assets

    • pit-actq: Current Assets

    • pit-rectq: Accounts Receivable

    • pit-cheq: Cash and Short-Term Investment

    • pit-invtq: Inventories

    • pit-ancq: Non-Current Assets

    • pit-intanq: Intangible Assets

    • pit-ivaoq: Investment and Advances

    • pit-ivstq: Short-Term Investments

    • pit-ppegtq: Property, Plant and Equipment Gross

    • pit-ppentq: Property, Plant and Equipment Net

  • Liabilities

    • pit-ltq: Total Liabilities

    • pit-lctq: Current Liabilities

    • pit-apq: Accounts Payable

    • pit-dlcq: Short-Term Debt

    • pit-txpq: Income Taxes Payable

    • pit-dlttq: Long-Term Debt

    • pit-txditcq: Deferred Taxes and Investment Credit

  • Equity

    • pit-pstkq: Preferred Stock

    • pit-seqq: Shareholders Equity

Income Statement Items

  • pit-revtq: Sales

  • pit-cogsq: Cost of Goods Sold

  • pit-gpq: Gross Profit

  • pit-xsgaq: Selling, General and Administrative Expenses

  • pit-xrdq: Research and Development Expenses

  • pit-xstq: Staff Expense - Wages/Salaries

  • pit-xstoq: Staff Expense - Other

  • pit-spiq: Special Items

  • pit-xoprq: Operating Expenses

  • pit-oibdpq: Operating Income Before Depreciation

  • pit-dpq: Depreciation and Amortization

  • pit-oiadpq: Operating Income After Depreciation

  • pit-xintq: Interest Expenses

  • pit-piq: Earnings before Tax and Extraordinary Items

  • pit-txtq: Income Tax

  • pit-xidoq: Extraordinary Items and Discontinued Operations

  • pit-ibq: Net Income

  • pit-niq: Net Income Including Extraordinary Items

  • pit-dvtq: Total Dividends

  • pit-saleq: Net Sales

  • pit-req: Retained Earnings

Earning Per Shares Items

  • pit-epsf12: Earnings Per Share (Diluted) - Excluding Extraordinary Items - 12 Months Moving

  • pit-epsfi12: Earnings Per Share (Diluted) - Including Extraordinary Items - 12 Months Moving

  • pit-epsfiq: Earnings Per Share (Diluted) - Including Extraordinary Items

  • pit-epsfxq: Earnings Per Share (Diluted) - Excluding Extraordinary items

  • pit-epspi12: Earnings Per Share (Basic) - Including Extraordinary Items - 12 Months Moving

  • pit-epspiq: Earnings Per Share (Basic) - Including Extraordinary Items

  • pit-epspxq: Earnings Per Share (Basic) - Excluding Extraordinary Items

  • pit-epsx12: Earnings Per Share (Basic) - Excluding Extraordinary Items - 12 Months Moving

  • pit-oepsxq: Earnings Per Share (Diluted) - from Operations

  • pit-opepsq: Earnings Per Share from Operations

  • pit-oepf12: Earnings Per Share (Diluted) - from Operations - 12 Months Moving

  • pit-oeps12: Earnings Per Share from Operations - 12 Months Moving


  • We provide Financial CM converted into USD. According to Compustat’s policy, balance sheet items are converted using a 12-month exchange rate, while income statement and cash flow items are converted using the monthly exchange rate.

  • Unit : 1 million

Last updated