Financial Statement
This dataset provides 90 days delayed financial statements for US stocks, including various financial metrics and indicators.
Most US companies disclose their IR materials within 90 days after the end of the quarter, but for some that do not, there may be a look-ahead bias. Therefore, it is not recommended to use this data for modeling purposes, but rather for research purposes.
Example code
Item List
Balance Sheet Items
atq: Total Assets
actq: Current Assets
rectq: Accounts Receivable
cheq: Cash and Short-Term Investment
invtq: Inventories
ancq: Non-Current Assets
intanq: Intangible Assets
ivaoq: Investment and Advances
ivstq: Short-Term Investments
ppegtq: Property, Plant and Equipment Gross
ppentq: Property, Plant and Equipment Net
ltq: Total Liabilities
lctq: Current Liabilities
apq: Accounts Payable
dlcq: Short-Term Debt
txpq: Income Taxes Payable
dlttq: Long-Term Debt
txditcq: Deferred Taxes and Investment Credit
pstkq: Preferred Stock
seqq: Shareholders Equity
Income Statement Items
revtq: Sales
cogsq: Cost of Goods Sold
gpq: Gross Profit
xsgaq: Selling, General and Administrative Expenses
xrdq: Research and Development Expenses
xstq: Staff Expense - Wages/Salaries
xstoq: Staff Expense - Other
spiq: Special Items
xoprq: Operating Expenses
oibdpq: Operating Income Before Depreciation
dpq: Depreciation and Amortization
oiadpq: Operating Income After Depreciation
xintq: Interest Expenses
piq: Earnings before Tax and Extraordinary Items
txtq: Income Tax
xidoq: Extraordinary Items and Discontinued Operations
ibq: Net Income
niq: Net Income Including Extraordinary Items
dvtq: Total Dividends
saleq: Net Sales
req: Retained Earnings
Earning Per Shares Items
epsf12: Earnings Per Share (Diluted) - Excluding Extraordinary Items - 12 Months Moving
epsfi12: Earnings Per Share (Diluted) - Including Extraordinary Items - 12 Months Moving
epsfiq: Earnings Per Share (Diluted) - Including Extraordinary Items
epsfxq: Earnings Per Share (Diluted) - Excluding Extraordinary items
epspi12: Earnings Per Share (Basic) - Including Extraordinary Items - 12 Months Moving
epspiq: Earnings Per Share (Basic) - Including Extraordinary Items
epspxq: Earnings Per Share (Basic) - Excluding Extraordinary Items
epsx12: Earnings Per Share (Basic) - Excluding Extraordinary Items - 12 Months Moving
oepsxq: Earnings Per Share (Diluted) - from Operations
opepsq: Earnings Per Share from Operations
oepf12: Earnings Per Share (Diluted) - from Operations - 12 Months Moving
oeps12: Earnings Per Share from Operations - 12 Months Moving
We provide Financial CM converted into USD. According to Compustat’s policy, balance sheet items are converted using a 12-month exchange rate, while income statement and cash flow items are converted using the monthly exchange rate.
Unit : 1 million
Last updated
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